
Çetin Birgen tarafından 1988'de kuruldu. DC-8 tipi uçakla, 100 kişilik bir grubu 44 bin 348 kilometre yol katederek Yeni Zelanda'ya ulaştırdı. Böylece Birgenair, Türk sivil havacılık tarihinde ilk defa bir dünya turu gerçekleştirerek tarihe geçti

? kesersapigibi 22.04.2013 14:40 -1

bunu öğrendiğim için sana minnettarım, artı.

? anon 22.04.2013 18:13 0

1996 daki kazanın kokpit içi ses kayıtları HOT 1: kaptan pilot HOT2: yardımcı pilot CAM: uçuş gözlemcisi
Birgen Air B757 Accident
Intra-Cockpit Communication

(released 18 March 1996)
Time Source Content
0341:40 (42:02) HOT-2 have a nice flight
0342:08 (42:30) CAM ((sound of increasing engine noise))
0342:09 (42:31) HOT-1 EPR select
0342:10 (42:32) HOT-2 EPR
0342:16 (42:38) HOT-2 power's set
0342:18 (42:40) HOT-1 okay checked
0342:23 (42:45) HOT-2 eighty knots
0342:24 (42:46) HOT-1 checked
0342:26 (42:48) HOT-1 my airspeed indicator's not working
0342:28 (42:50) HOT-2 yes
0342:29 (42:51) HOT-2 yours is not working
0342:30 (42:52) HOT-2 one twenty
0342:32 (42:54) HOT-1 is yours working?
0342:32 (42:54) HOT-2 yes sir
0342:33 (42:55) HOT-1 you tell me
0342:35 (42:57) HOT-2 Vee one
0342:36 (42:58) HOT-2 rotate
0342:43 (43:05) HOT-1 Positive climb gear up
0342:43 (43:05) HOT-2 positive climb
0342:44 (43:06) CAM ((sound of landing gear handle being moved))
0342:46 (43:08) HOT-2 gear is up
0342:50 (43:12) HOT-2 LNAV
0342:51 (43:13) HOT-1 yes please
0342:52 (43:14) HOT-2 LNAV
0342:59 (43:21) HOT-1 yes
0343:00 (43:22) HOT-2 It began to operate
0343:02 (43:24) HOT-1 is it possible to turn off the wipers
0343:03 (43:25) HOT-2 okay wipers off
0343:05 (43:27) CAM ((sound of windshield wipers stops))
0343:08 (43:30) HOT-1 climb thrust
0343:09 (43:31) HOT-2 climb thrust
0343:10 (43:32) HOT-1 VNAV
0343:11 (43:33) HOT-2 VNAV
0343:16 (43:38) HOT-2 okay flap speed
0343:17 (43:39) HOT-1 flaps five
0343:24 (43:46) HOT-1 flaps one
0343:25 (43:47) HOT-2 flaps to one
0343:30 (43:52) HOT-1 gear handle off
0343:32 (43:54) HOT-2 gear handle's off
0343:33 (43:55) HOT-1 flaps up
0343:34 (43:56) HOT-2 flaps up
0343:36 (43:58) HOT-1 after takeoff checklist
0343:38 (44:00) HOT-2 after takeoff checklist landing gear up and off, flaps are up checked up, altimeters later, after takeoff completed
0343:47 (44:09) HOT-1 okay
0344:07 (44:29) HOT-1 center autopilot on please
0344:08 (44:30) HOT-2 center autopilot is on command
0344:10 (44:32) HOT-1 thank you
0344:12 (44:34) HOT-1 one zero one three
0344:13 (44:35) HOT-2 one zero one three
0344:25 (44:47) HOT-1 rudder ratio, mach airspeed trim
0344:27 (44:49) HOT-2 yes trim
0344:28 (44:50) HOT-1 there is something wrong there are some problems
0344:43 (45:05) HOT-2 direct Pokeg
0344:44 (45:06) HOT-1 okay there is something crazy do you see it
0344:46 (45:08) HOT-2 there is something crazy there at this moment two hundred only is mine and decreasing sir
0344:52 (45:14) HOT-1 both of them are wrong. what can we do?
0344:54 (45:16) HOT-1 let's check their circuit breakers
0344:55 (45:17) HOT-2 yes
0344:57 (45:19) HOT-1 alternate is correct
0344:59 (45:21) HOT-2 the alternate one is correct
0345:04 (45:26) HOT-1 as aircraft was not flying and on ground something happening is usual
0345:07 (45:29) HOT-1 such as elevator asymmetry and other things
0345:11 (45:33) HOT-1 we don't believe them
0345:23 (45:45) CAM-3 shall I reset its circuit breaker
0345:24 (45:46) HOT-1 yes reset it
0345:25 (45:47) CAM-3 to understand the reason
0345:27 (45:49) HOT-1 yeah
0345:28 (45:50) CAM ((sound of aircraft overspeed warning))
0345:30 (45:52) HOT-1 okay it's no matter
0345:39 (46:01) HOT-1 pull the airspeed we will see
0345:39 (46:01) CAM ((overspeed warning stops))
0345:40 (46:02) HOT-2 now it is three hundred and fifty yes
0345:47 (46:09) HOT-1 let's take that like this
0345:50 (46:12) CAM ((sound of four warning alert tones))
0345:52 (46:14) CAM ((sound of stick shaker starts and continues to end of recording))
0345:56 (46:18) CAM ((sound of four warning alert tones))
0345:56 (46:18) HOT-1 ****
0345:57 (46:19) HOT-2 ****
0345:59 (46:21) HOT-2 sir
0346:00 (46:22) CAM-3 *ADI
0346:05 (46:27) HOT-1 ****
0346:07 (46:29) HOT-2 nose down
0346:19 (46:41) HOT-2 ****
0346:22 (46:44) CAM-3 now *
0346:23 (46:45) HOT-2 thrust
0346:25 (46:47) HOT-1 disconnect the auto-pilot, is autopilot disconnected?
0346:25 (46:47) HOT-2 already disconnected, disconnected sir
0346:31 (46:53) CAM-3 *ADI*
0346:38 (47:00) CAM-3 *
0346:39 (47:01) HOT-1 not climb? what am I to do?
0346:43 (47:05) HOT-2 you may level off, altitude okay, I am selecting the altitude hold sir
0346:47 (47:09) HOT-1 select select
0346:48 (47:10) HOT-2 altitude hold
0346:51 (47:13) HOT-2 okay, five thousand feet
0346:52 (47:14) HOT-1 thrust levers, thrust thrust thrust thrust
0346:54 (47:16) HOT-2 retard
0346:54 (47:16) HOT-1 thrust, don't pull back, don't pull back, don't pullback, don't pull back
0346:56 (47:18) HOT-2 okay open open
0346:57 (47:19) HOT-1 don't pull back, please don't pull back
0346:59 (47:21) HOT-2 open sir, open
0347:01 (47:23) HOT-2 ****
0347:02 (47:24) CAM-3 sir pull up
0347:03 (47:25) HOT-1 what's happening
0347:05 (47:27) HOT-2 oh what's happening
0347:06 (47:28) CAM-3 *
0347:09 (47:31) GPWS ((sink rate whoop whoop pull up warning starts and continues until the end))
0347:13 (47:35) HOT-2 let's do like this
0347:14 (47:36) CAM-3 *
0347:17 (47:39) ((end of recording))

? devo 23.02.2014 01:05 0

kaptan pilotun son sözü oldukça üzücü...

? hay sokam 23.02.2014 01:12 0