çişimi tutarak intihar edebilir miyim?

çiş tutuncada mı nefes tutmak gibi oluyor acaba bi yerden sonra bayılıyorsun bilincin yerinde olmadığı için sike sike nefes alıyorsun. ama bence çiş tutmak yüzünden bayılmaz kimse. belki olabilir böyle bir intihar.

? leblebi 29.07.2012 05:28 0

mesane patlaması oluomuş çişin kanına karışıp ölüon

? sentor 29.07.2012 05:28 0

kana üre karışır zehirlenirsin ölüm riski yüksek

? tirnak makasi 29.07.2012 05:29 0


Holding his urine longer than was his habit, Brahe remained seated. Although he drank a little overgenerously and experienced pressure on his bladder, he felt less concerned for his state of health than for etiquette. By the time he returned home he could not urinate any more. Finally, with the most excruciating pain, he barely passed some urine, but yet it was blocked. Uninterrupted insomnia followed; intestinal fever; and little by little delirium. ... During his last night, through the delirium in which everything was very pleasant, like a composer creating a song, Brahe these words over and over again: "Let me not seem to have lived in vain."

? memnun 29.07.2012 05:34 0

soda şişesine oturup ölmeyi bekle.

? tekila12 29.07.2012 05:35 0