Dear Richard,
i am very sorry to i didn't picked up your call at evening by skype, because at that moment i was reading a Quran and i was praying to Allah cc. ( cabrio coupe ehe mehe do you like my joke?? ) And to my prophet Mohammed (sav. ) who is smelling as a rose for giving me more money. And just after praying i like to call you back but at that moment my wife Fatima was ( she is 9 years old ) started to cry because of she was lost her barbie baby. Anyway, i would like to introduce myself more detaily for establish to trustable relation between us, As you know my name is Lokman Avci from Turkey, i am a teacher of Islam Religion and i am working Hostel of Solomon. As known also we are a soldier of Allah. Allahuakbar
Now let's talking about trade, dear my friend , first of all we have to Separating religion and trade as a two different categories, Good to know we are a Muslim and we are the soldier of Allah cc. But, i am regret to inform that, i am disagree your offer sharing that amount 50/50%. My proposal is that, if you are accepting to sharing that amount 90% me 10% for you, i will sending to you $10.000 immediately for claiming expenses. If you are agree with it, please send me your bank account as soon as possible and i swear you behalf of Allah cc. i will start to preparing documentation for money transfer at tomorrow.
Allah cc. Bless you
Allahu akbar
Lokman Avci
@calismayan resat: -ing bu aralar cok moda ondan (bkz: serdar ortacing)
seperating religion ne kardeş kürt dini mi ehemehe do you like my joke??
@zeratul: intihar olmasin o amina soktumunun kurdu, iste gorun arkadaslar daha turkcemizi konusamayan mallar gelmis adminlik yapiyor sakin silme caps aldim anneni sikerim
@nebaktinyarrram: ahaha özellikle yazdım nası atladın hemen. onca hevesle yazdığın komikli maile artı alamayınca moralin bozuldu değil mi. git bi iki saat girme sözlüğe
@zeratul: mal ogce, zaten arabanin immobiliser i bozuldu nereden baksan 500pln kacacak, moralim bozuk kardes bir iki arti verde mutlu olayim lan. ya da ac benim god mode u sikten gecireyim sozlugu belki morelim duzelir
@zeratul: allah razi olsun kardes
@kotuyum ben kotuyum: senden de allah razi olsun kardes