and everything for all their problems. life ain't always fair. people always saying, talking about how unfair the world is and stuff, ain't nobody ever said life was meant to be fair, ain't nobody up, up on a cloud wearing a robe and cane... saying 'i'm gonna make everything fair.' they, they ain't like that, man. you know? people just gotta accept that, man. you know?
Kardeş ben itize pensıl terkim. Bu entrinin altyazilisi var mı?
@popeye the sailorman: Ah adaletini sikiyim dunya diye ortalikta gezinen tiplere sinir oluyorum. Ulan hayat adildir diye bir kaide yok ki hicbir zaman da olmadi. Sanki yaradan cikip "evet ben her seyi adaletli yarattim, hicbirinizi kayirmadim" gibi bi sey soyledi. Hayat boyle iste zirlamayin artik. O boktan hayatlarinizi ve sefaletinizi de bu adil olmayan dunyaya ve duzene baglamayin.