Being over 30 is not different to me then being 10. Either way I sh*t my pants. I guess when I was growing up and taking a big ol' sh*t in my pants and getting spanked for it I never lost that joy. That feeling of freedom to break the rules. Anyways let me get into my story here.
Im currently unemployed and my girlfriend works at White Castle. When she's there I find my self encouraging my 4 kids to go down the road to a friends house. Just getting them out of the house so I can have MY time. I deal with the typical family crap daily. LIke having to listen to my girlfriends complaining about how her back hurts from work. Or having to help my kids with their homework. I never signed up for that sh*t. The only sh*t I signed up for was the kind I put in my pants when they are all gone!
Anyways, once I get them out the door and know I got the next 6 hours to my self. I go out to my back porch and have a seat and usually I'm in plain view of my neighbors. I'll light up a smoke and when the time is perfect I sh*t. The warmth and solid feeling of the sh*t coming out only to be crushed because of lack of space is so perfect.I will fill my undies up and just bask in the joy. Sitting in my own filth.
I'll walk around the house for the next few hours and enjoy my self until either the kids come home or my wife gets off work. I will say I've been caught a few times by my wife however. Like one time she came home and I wasnt watching the time. She walked in and seeing the kids were down the road she grabbed me and dropped my pants to give me oral. Lets just say she tasted it before she smelled it and she didnt sleep with me for a week. I convinced her my stomach hurt that day and I had just done it because I couldnt make it to the bathroom and blah blah whatever.
The facts are I enjoy sh*tting my pants and no one is going to stop me!
Is this normal?