i want his family dead, i want his house burnt to the ground

i wanna go there in the middle of the night, i wanna
piss on his ashes

? agree your destiny 08.01.2013 22:19 0

I want that sonova bitch dead, I want him dead! I want him dead, I don't care..

? agree your destiny 08.01.2013 22:23 0

now, what do you think does generate a shitty family, a shitty community, a shitty neighborhood? that's right being poor. now why do you think they're poor? mostly because they don't have any education. you know why that is? because they're poor. you know who could break that vicious cycle? rich people. do you know who doesn't want to? rich people.

? polska 08.01.2013 22:27 0

anasını siktiğim amerika özentisi piç kuruları. aynı replikler türk dizilerinde de var. siz orospu çocukları ciguliye burun kvırırken onun abd versiyonu olan michael jacksonu büyük sanatçı ilan edersiniz.

? zeratul 08.01.2013 23:25 0

micheal jackson basketbolcu ak sigiri

? lol 09.01.2013 00:47 0