Independence limited.freedom of choice is made for you, my friend.Freedom of speech is words that they will bend.freedom with their exception.Eye of the Beholder

marcepan yiyom nom nom nom cogzel :-)

? lokman 01.08.2012 21:13 0

metallica-and justik for all

b side

? cemil 01.08.2012 21:15 0

@joseph goebels: Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see???

? lokman 01.08.2012 21:27 0

şortıst stroooowwwww

? cemil 01.08.2012 21:29 0

@joseph goebels: olmadi kardes google dan kopya cekiyon. nir an olsun umitlendim kaliteli bir yazar var diye ama :-(

? lokman 01.08.2012 21:29 0

yok lan pisiler oynuyodum...

? cemil 01.08.2012 21:30 0