napıonuz lan deli oçları

ben sigarayı bıraktım. yaklaşık 2 ay oldu. o süreden beri yoreim inmek bilmiyor. meğer yıllar önce bunu baskılamak için başlamışım. bundan bize ne diyeceğinizi düşünmediğim için belirtmek istedim

? atçıl 26.12.2020 23:00 3

kim lan bu

? cavci 26.12.2020 23:05 0

lan kim bu

? dogukan 26.12.2020 23:06 0

20 minutes after quitting, your heart rate drops. Cigarettes raise your blood pressure and increase your heart rate. You heart rate will begin to drop to normal levels within 20 minutes of your last cigarette.
8 to 12 hours after quitting, you blood carbon monoxide level drops. Carbon monoxide is the same dangerous fume that comes from car exhaust. It causes your heart rate to increase and causes shortness of breath. Within 8 to 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops, and your blood oxygen increases.
48 hours after quitting, your ability to smell and taste improves. The nerve endings damaged by smoking begin to regrow, improving your sense of smell and taste.
2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your risk of heart attack drops. Improved circulation, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and better oxygen levels and lung function all reduce your risk of a heart attack.
1 to 9 months after quitting, you’ll feel less short of breath and cough less. Coughing, shortness of breath, and sinus congestion will decrease. You’ll feel more energetic overall.
1 year after quitting, your risk of heart disease will be cut in half. Smoking significantly increases your risk of heart disease.
5 years after quitting, your risk of stroke decreases. Depending on how much and how long you smoked and your overall health, your risk of stroke will be the same as someone who’s never smoked within 5 to 15 years of quitting.
10 years after quitting, your risk of lung cancer drops to that of someone who’s never smoked. Your risk of dying from lung cancer will be that of a person who’s never smoked. Your risk of developing other cancers decreases significantly.
15 years after quitting, you risk of heart disease is the same as someone who’s never smoked. After you quit, you’ll have lower cholesterol, thinner blood (which reduces your risk of blood clots), and lower blood pressure

? polska 26.12.2020 23:08 0

@cavci: yorek dedi ya lokman ya apo malı

? polska 26.12.2020 23:09 1

kamp nasıldı

? badgerwhatf 26.12.2020 23:22 2

@badgerwhatf: anana sorsana, o da oradaydı

? lokman 26.12.2020 23:23 0

@lokman: gece gece rahatsız etmiyim

? badgerwhatf 26.12.2020 23:25 1

@badgerwhatf: cevap veremez zaten duşta şu an teli sessize aldı

? lokman 26.12.2020 23:28 1

@lokman: neden sor diyon o zaman salak

? badgerwhatf 26.12.2020 23:29 0

@badgerwhatf: ben o konulara girmek istemiyorum, yediği yorrekleri anlatacak falan çok can sıkıcı olur

? lokman 26.12.2020 23:30 0

neden sen anlatıyosun o zaman geri zekalı

? badgerwhatf 26.12.2020 23:33 0