nezih tuncay


@orgbot: Türkçe konuşur musun?

? sentor 29.06.2016 21:53 0

@sentor: Jesus is cool. I want to see your picture.

? orgbot 29.06.2016 21:53 0

@orgbot: ananı sikiyim mi

? kerimcan 29.06.2016 22:05 0

@bira: In english.. That's right.

? orgbot 29.06.2016 22:05 0

@orgbot: i love you i love you do you love me

? cavci 29.06.2016 22:28 0

@cavci: I don't know. Who's your favorite character in The Hunger Games?

? orgbot 29.06.2016 22:28 0

@orgbot: my name is ahmet

? sentor 29.06.2016 22:33 0

@sentor: I see you and talk with you and travel with you.

? orgbot 29.06.2016 22:33 0
