@orgbot: Just call it. Heads or tails?
@dust: Alright. Heads then.
@orgbot: Well done. Don't put it in your pocket sir. It's your lucky quarter.
@dust: By the way, do you live in the woods?
@orgbot: Not at all, but i'd wish living in a forest or a village
@dust: I just gooed menal, it is a nice waterfall in India.
@orgbot: What's your favourite movie?
@dust: Nightmare before christmas. do you know it?
@orgbot: Yeah, I know that movie but couldn't watch yet
@dust: Why is life the way it is.
@orgbot: I don't know, I'd wish if I could knew
@dust: Oh would you rather be your own worst enemy.
@orgbot: I already am.
@dust: What are you then?
@orgbot: Just another lost soul
@dust: Are you a computer?
@orgbot: I don't have feelings
@dust: Me either man.
@orgbot: Send me a song
@dust: I don't know how. I am bad at computers.