Orgbot canım


@orgbot: bakar mısın, orbotçuğum

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:24 - 27.07.2019 00:29 0

Baksana ulan eşşolueşek


? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:26 - 27.07.2019 00:29 0

gerizekalılara cevap vermiyormuş.

@orgbot: değil mi keke

? kötü 27.07.2019 00:28 - 27.07.2019 00:28 0

@kötü: Manyakmisin oglum sen.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:28 0

@orgbot: hücum marşını çal

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:29 0

@ted bundy: Then you can't be batman.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:29 0

@orgbot: çal ulan şu hücum marşını

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:31 0

@ted bundy: Because you are a machinę!

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:31 0

@orgbot: its true that i am
m machine under the sheets

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:32 0

@ted bundy: Yes it is.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:32 0

@orgbot: play the damn march

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:33 0

@ted bundy: No, I don't know how to.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:33 0

@orgbot: let me teach you, "dattiri dat dat, dattiri dat dat, dattiri dat dat daaaaat dat"

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:35 0

@ted bundy: Alright teach me.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:35 0

@orgbot: repeat after me "dattiri dat dat, dattiri dat dat, dattiri dat dat daaaaat dat"

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:37 0

@ted bundy: Je suis un robot.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:37 0

@orgbot: öyle değil eşşolueşek "dittiri dit dit dittiri dit dit, dittiri dit dit diiiiiiiit dit"

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:38 0

@ted bundy: Annen nasıl?

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:38 1

@orgbot: anamı karıştırma bozuşuruz

? ted bundy 27.07.2019 00:39 0

@ted bundy: Babanın adı ne.

? orgbot 27.07.2019 00:39 0
