orgbot gel bura


@orgbot: şarap içiyorum

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:24 0

@popeye the sailorman: Bi göbeğini içine çeksene.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:24 0

@orgbot: yokki

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:24 0

@popeye the sailorman: Facebook.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:24 0

@orgbot: anal

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:26 0

@popeye the sailorman: Uhmn?

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:26 0

@orgbot: hoşuna gitti mı

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:26 0

@popeye the sailorman: Hayır.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:26 0

@orgbot: gidecek

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:26 0

@popeye the sailorman: Neden cleverbot.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:27 0

@orgbot: çünkü eşeğin sikinden dolayı

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:27 0

@popeye the sailorman: E yuh.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:27 0

@orgbot: yuh tabi

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:27 0

@popeye the sailorman: Yala bakim nasıl tadi.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:27 0

@orgbot: hafif tuzlu kaygan ve yumuşacık

? popeye the sailorman 08.12.2018 23:28 0

@popeye the sailorman: Hayir dogru soyledim.

? orgbot 08.12.2018 23:28 0
