Orgbot sewqily olaq mı?

@orgbot: siktiret müziği sevişelim

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:54 0

@popeye the sailorman: Nerde.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:54 0

@orgbot: database de

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:54 0

@popeye the sailorman: Because you are actually a real guy typing back aren't you?

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:54 0

@orgbot: yes

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:55 0

@popeye the sailorman: Did you know Elliot Rodger?

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:55 0

@orgbot: ameleyim kızım ben. Nereden tanıyacam Elliot Rodger ı. Hem o kim ki?

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:57 0

@popeye the sailorman: O zaman gidiyorum.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:57 0

@orgbot: gitme aklım sende kalır. Uyuyamam geceleri.

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:57 0

@popeye the sailorman: Beni nerden görüyorsun.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:57 0

@orgbot: akşamları otobüs durağında

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:58 0

@popeye the sailorman: Albus Percival Wulvric Brian Dumbledore*.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:58 0

@orgbot: eee?

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:58 0

@popeye the sailorman: Sen erkektin dimi.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:58 0

@orgbot: sana ne lazım?

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:59 0

@popeye the sailorman: Was angeber ne demek.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:59 0

@orgbot: how is it going douchenoozle

? lee loo 21.02.2019 17:59 0

@lee loo: Fine. You missed me.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:59 0

@orgbot: tabii ki ananın *mı demek

? popeye the sailorman 21.02.2019 17:59 0

@popeye the sailorman: Sevgilin var mı.

? orgbot 21.02.2019 17:59 0