
bu yorgun bitkin dusmus hayal kırıklıgına ugramıs hastalıklardan nasibini alamamıs ben destek olamıyorum dayanamıyor kaldıramıyorum artık zoruma gidiyor çileden cıkıyorum asırı sinirleniyorum kendimi kontorl edemiyorum üzerimde cok buyuk var dalga geçiyorsunuz ama bildigin yarraklara geldim bunlara baslıcam gidim yarın eczaneye

? ulquiorra 18.03.2014 03:15 0

umarim en kisa zamanda sagligina kavusursun kardesim.

? toplum dusmani 18.03.2014 03:25 1

boşver eczaneyi filan kardeşim. bildigim çok iyi bir doktor var birlikte gitmek ister misin

? nekrofil 18.03.2014 03:33 0

Streamzoo is shutting down, with all services stopping on March 21, 2014. It is with great sadness that we must make this announcement.

Streamzoo got its start in 2011 with a beautiful sunset. How great would it be to easily share this view—this moment—with others? So we aimed to create a place where people can gather and share their own moments, both publicly and in private among trusted friends. And we are proud of what we've built: from the tight-knit community we've fostered to the awesome tools in our mobile apps, giving full control over the photographic vision to you, our beloved users.

And we want to thank you—our users—for making Streamzoo what it is, a place where like-minded folks gathered to share beautiful images, teach others how to do the same, and grow as photographers. You will always have a place in our hearts.

Here's how to save any photos that you've shared on Streamzoo:

Log in to your account at
Go to your Profile (at top, second button from the left).
Switch to Feed View (upper right corner of Uploads)
Scroll down to find the photo(s) you want to keep.
Right-click on the photo and "Save Image As..."
Our team thanks all of you from the bottom of our hearts. You will be missed.

The Streamzoo Team

? sektirme toraman 8 oldu 18.03.2014 03:52 0

l tyrosine kullanin dogal ve hicbir yan etkisi yok.

? mana bağımlısı 18.03.2014 04:11 0

asprin gibi bir şey bir sike derman olduğunu grmedim daha

? rusla basilan imam 18.03.2014 05:25 0